I Use Mkdocs, Material for MkDocs, and GitHub Actions for Document writing and Deployment

Bruce Wen
5 min readApr 27, 2024

The 3 tools make my writing life much easier than ever.

For writers like me, the markdown programming language is a great invention. Smart developers make the invention even more powerful. Now, I am using Mkdocs, Material for MkDocs, and GitHub Actions in my writing life.

MkDocs is used for writing, organising markdown documents, converting markdown documents to HTML files, and generating one static document website.

Material for MkDocs can be used to enhance the appearance of markdown documents to make them more readable and interactive to some degree. For example, by Material for MkDocs plugin search, I can search my documents on the static website.

GitHub Actions make the deployment process automatic. When I push and merge the changes of my documents to GitHub, it automatically generates the static websites and makes the deployment. Then, I can access the website with the updated documents.

MkDocs Usage

In the beginning, I run MkDocs in my local environment — my laptop. MkDocs itself is one…

